UTC Library Room 118b
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Hello everyone,

I hope yall had a restful break and enjoyed the holidays and New Year!

I wanted to give you a quick overview of the schedule and goals for this semester:

Meetings: We'll meet every Friday at 3:15 PM in the UTC Library, most likely in room 118A or 118B. I will let yall know if this ever changes.
First Meeting: This Friday (1/10). We'll focus on introductions, brainstorming, goal-setting, and pre-planning.

The direction of this club is up to all of you! Whether you’d like to focus on specific campus initiatives, educational activities, or anything else, we can shape the club to meet those interests. Essentially, you’ll get out of it what you put into it. We'll dive further into these discussions during our first meeting.

I’m currently looking for individuals interested in leadership roles within the club. I can’t run this alone, so I’m looking for a co-chair to help lead. If you’re interested—or know someone who might be—please DM me to discuss.

If you’d like to contribute but aren’t ready for a co-chair role, other leadership positions are also available. Just reach out to me, and we can chat about how you can contribute.

Looking forward to seeing everyone on Friday—have a great rest of your week!

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