Hooper Hall Room 102, VMA New Location
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Veteran and Military Affairs (VMA) would like to take the opportunity to welcome you back to campus! Come join in the celebration and grab a bite to eat (Lunch), pick up an Enrichment Package courtesy of  Scrappy's Cupboard, and get those much-needed school supplies donated by our partners at The Infinite Warrior Foundation on Tuesday, August 20, 2024! 

The VMA Open House & Supply Drop will be available between the hours of 9am-3pm in our office (Hoper Hall 102. While you are here meet our VMA Student Ambassadors, get a tour of the military-connected spaces, socialize, check-out your Tech For Vets technology for the new term, and grab those free school supplies and snacks! 

Pizza will be promptly served around noon so grab a slice while it's hot (First come, first serve)

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