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Join us for the third installment of Quantum Conversations October 17th at 4:00 PM. Please register to attend here.

Danna Bailey presents Seizing the Opportunity in Quantum, a non-scientist's take on the impact and opportunities quantum technology is having right now, right here in Chattanooga.

Dr. Reinhold Mann, UTC Vice Chancellor of Research, will update the exciting news being made in quantum on campus and in the community.

Fabulous appetizers will be served!

Quantum information technology will change the world. It's already started and will continue to accelerate. 

"Organizations and governments around the world are pouring billions of dollars into quantum research and development, with the likes of Google, Microsoft and Intel racing to reach quantum supremacy. 

The stakes are high, and with so many major players, the arrival of full-scale quantum computers could be around the corner. 

In order to prepare, it’s vital that we as technology leaders educate ourselves on the reality of these machines, and the impacts they could have around the world..."

Forbes Magazine


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