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The UTC Graduate School is pleased to announce that Jessica Ghazi will present Doctoral research titled, THE IMPACT OF TEACHING PREPARATION PROGRAMS ON BURNOUT IN URBAN SCHOOLS on 04/16/2024 at 1:00 pm in Zoom Meeting ID: Everyone is invited to attend. 

Learning and Leadership

Chair: Dr. David Rausch



This doctoral research investigates burnout of urban educators in a large southeastern district for a mixed methods study. Research questions one and two investigate demographic and organizational variables to determine if they are predictors of burnout or any of the three subcomponents, respectively. In research question three, teaching residencies were explored to determine if they provide appropriate preparation for teaching in urban schools which can limit burnout of educators. Variable data was collected through surveys and analyzed quantitatively of a sample of 69 urban teachers across 12 schools. For research question four, a subsample of teachers participated in focus groups to reveal subjective opinions, attitudes, and reflections on the experience of teaching in urban schools and the role their preparation played in experiencing burnout. Quantitatively, none of the demographic or organizational variables were predictors for burnout. Teacher preparation program was a significant predictor for personal accomplishment, a subcomponent of burnout. Themes from focus groups include criticism for traditional preparation programs, contrasted by satisfaction from alums of residency programs. In the workplace, urban teachers cited a lack of administrative support as the leading cause of burnout. This research can be used to address inadequacies in teacher preparation programs and influence the development of school level interventions to prevent and mitigate the effects of burnout.

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