UC Auditorium (UC Room 206)
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Join us in the Auditorium of the UC (University Center) on Friday, September 6th from 5 p.m. to 8 p.m. for this first annual event.  Contest participants will each sing one song in Spanish, which can be an original song or cover, and then following the event a jury will determine the finalists.  Finalists in Canta will perform their songs in Fiestaval: A Taste of Latin America in Miller Park on Saturday, October 5th.   We currently have 16 participants who will sing songs from a variety of Spanish-speaking contexts and genres.  

Here about it on W-UTC here: https://www.wutc.org/2024-09-04/aqui-en-utc-canta-festival-de-la-cancion-en-espanol?fbclid=IwY2xjawFF6yJleHRuA2FlbQIxMQABHdS-ASm8IstzF1ahHxWPjEBx7e5Qa4FtQ9Eb7J6Iy7HS0HfH3aS8kAt03A_aem_R0NZKos2po5zgiQ9B-DTAg

For those who would like to attend to hear the music and help choose the finalists (through audience participation), the festival is free to those with a UTC ID and we would love to see you there!!  Reserve your ticket here to make sure you get a seat in the auditorium!  https://www.tickettailor.com/events/thelatincomboentertainment/1356996

Visit:  cantafestival.com or email brandee-strickland@utc.edu for more information. 

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